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Authors: Borba, Deusmar Oliveira de
Title: Remição de pena a partir do estudo: uma análise do caso da Unidade Prisional Regional de Arraias
Keywords: Educação prisional;Remição de pena pelo estudo;Ressocialização;Execução penal
Issue Date: 10-Feb-2025
Citation: BORBA, Deusmar Oliveira de. Remição de pena a partir do estudo: uma análise do caso da unidade prisional regional de Arraias. 2025. 109 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Bacharelado em Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2025.
Abstract: Remission of sentence through study is an important mechanism for resocialisation in the Brazilian prison system, provided for in the Penal Execution Law. Considering the existence of the Arraias Regional Penal Unit and the campus of the Federal University of Tocantins and, consequently, the occurrence of sentence reprieve due to access to education, especially higher education, this research aims to understand how sentence reprieve for study occurs in the city of Arraias, what the peculiarities of each type of sentence reprieve for study are in the city of Arraias and what the perceptions of public enforcement agents are on the effectiveness of sentence reprieve in the city of Arraias. The aim of this study is to identify how sentences are remitted for study in the city of Arraias, especially in terms of access to higher education and the perceptions of the public agents involved in penal enforcement. In order to achieve this goal, it was necessary to systematise the theoretical and normative framework on sentence remission in the context of resocialisation and to map data on the operation of all forms of study remission in the city of Arraias, Finally, it aims to survey the perceptions of the public agents involved in penal execution on the effectiveness of sentence remission in the city of Arraias, especially with regard to study promoted by partner institutions, such as the Municipal Department of Education (SEMED), the State Department of Education (SEDUC) and the Arraias Campus of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT). The research highlights the relevance of education as a tool for social transformation, promoting the reduction of criminal recidivism and the reintegration of inmates into society. The study addresses the applicable legislation, the structural challenges faced by prison units and the importance of institutional partnerships to expand educational opportunities. The results point to the transformative potential of sentence remission through study, not just as a legal mechanism, but as a strategy to strengthen the citizenship and dignity of inmates, while at the same time reinforcing the need for continuous investment in infrastructure and professional training. Thus, it can be concluded that remission of sentence for study, as well as contributing to the humanisation of the prison system, is an essential step towards building a fairer and more inclusive society.
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