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Authors: Oliveira, Kelane Torres de
Title: Tipificação do feminicídio: dimensões simbólicas da lei entre a visibilização da violência e a prevenção do delito
Keywords: Violência de gênero;Direito penal simbólico;Feminicídios;Mulher
Issue Date: 20-Oct-2024
Citation: OLIVEIRA, Kelane Torres de. Tipificação do feminicídio: dimensões simbólicas da lei entre a visibilização da violência e a prevenção do delito. 60 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Bacharelado em Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2024.
Abstract: The research aims to understand how the inclusion of feminicide in the list of specific crimes in the Penal Code could affect social conduct, based on the theory of symbolic criminal law. A critical analysis of the penal norm as a solution to gender-based violence, specifically feminicide, is necessary, and this theory raises questions about the effectiveness of simple classification in preventing and protecting women. The objectives of the research are: to study interdisciplinary critical theories of the penal norm with a focus on the classification of feminicide as a symbolic norm; to study the classification of feminicide in the Penal Code, verifying whether it constitutes a concrete instrument for confronting gender-based violence in the country; to evaluate existing data on the allocation of budgets to policies to confront gender-based violence in the country. In this way, authors from both the fields of Law and Sociology are used to understand the phenomenon of feminicide, while considering social and political issues in the Brazilian context. In addition, the research uses socio-legal methodology with documentary and bibliographic techniques. The aim is to demonstrate the importance of implementing public policies in conjunction with criminal legislation, which aim to raise awareness and protect victims of femicide.
Appears in Collections:Direito

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