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Autor(a): SOUZA, Filipi Cassiano Silva
Título: O acesso a educação como direito fundamental para as pessoas com autismo no município de Arraias- Tocantins
Palavras-chave: Autismo;Educação inclusiva;Educação especial;Modelo social
Data do documento: 13-Fev-2025
Citação: SOUZA, Filipi Cassiano Silva. O acesso a educação como direito fundamental para as pessoas com autismo no município de Arraias- Tocantins. 43 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2025.
Abstract: The research aims to understand whether, due to the enactment of laws, it is possible to guarantee access to education, as a fundamental price within state educational institutions in the city of Arraias/TO. It is a necessary analysis, because as expressed in the legal text, people with ASD are considered people with disabilities, being a priority group in guaranteeing rights, in this case education. However, we seek to observe whether the education now offered is in accordance with the legal text and the ideas of the social movement, regarding the understanding of disability, not as an invalidation of students in school spaces, but rather on the concept of understanding the Their differences and differences adapt educational institutions so that they can enjoy all their environments.In this way, through the use of questionnaires applied to the rights of school units, the aim is to verify whether what is guaranteed in the legal text is being applied in the daily lives of autistic students.
Aparece nas coleções:Direito

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