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Autor(a): Barbosa, Matheus Gonçalves
Título: Mapa da juventude: os desafios das medidas socioeducativas dentro da Comarca de Arraias/TO
Palavras-chave: Ato infracional;Estatuto da criança e do adolescente;Execução de medida socioeducativa;Medidas socioeducativas
Data do documento: 10-Set-2024
Citação: BARBOSA, Matheus Gonçalves. Mapa da juventude: os desafios das medidas socioeducativas dentro da comarca de Arraias/TO. 92 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Bacharelado em Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2024.
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the issues related to the fulfillment of socio-educational measures for the commission of criminal acts committed by adolescents within the District of Arraias/TO, as well as the re-entry into the socio-educational system and the repetition of criminal acts, in addition to the profile of these young people and the main acts that lead them to commit crimes. The methodology used was the legal-sociological approach. Within the legal field, the aim was to analyze the fulfillment of socio-educational measures in light of reality, verifying whether the legal provisions are actually followed and whether the objectives proposed by the legislator can be achieved, certifying whether socio-educational measures are not a mere protection, so that the State can simply hide behind the problem, using the argument that it is doing "something", when in fact this "something" is not enough. For this purpose, a qualitative and quantitative research methodology was used, through bibliographical, documentary and exploratory research, as well as data collection and case studies of criminal acts and the execution of socio-educational measures over the last three years in the District of Arraias/Tocantins. In the end, a great weakness was noted within the socio-educational system, with regard to the imposition of the State in ensuring compliance with the measures by young people, especially for those close to adulthood or who have already reached it. Another issue is the fact that almost all of the adolescents in this research who re-entered the socio-educational system and/or repeated an offence had not yet complied with or were in the process of complying with the previously imposed socio-educational measure.
Aparece nas coleções:Direito

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