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dc.contributor.authorROSA, Rodrigo Guimarães-
dc.identifier.citationROSA, Rodrigo Guimaraes. Por um futuro sem barreiras: Reflexões sobre a adoção homoafetiva no Brasil. 52 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Direito, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Arraias, 2025.pt_BR
dc.descriptionAcesso livrept_BR
dc.description.abstractThis study investigates the challenges and progress related to adoption by same-sex couples in Brazil, addressing the central question: What barriers do these families face, and how have legal advances impacted the scenario? The overall objective was to analyze the legal, social, and psychological aspects of same-sex adoption, aiming to understand its implications and identify ways to promote greater inclusion and equality in the process. The methodology employed was qualitative and bibliographic in nature, involving an analysis of academic literature, statistical data, and relevant judicial decisions. The results revealed that, despite advances such as the recognition of same-sex marriage and the legal permission for joint adoption, significant obstacles persist, including social prejudices, institutional discrimination, and excessive bureaucracy. On the other hand, the data indicated that children raised by same- sex couples exhibit healthy emotional and social development, challenging the myths that continue to pervade the debate. The discussion emphasized the need for specific public policies and greater societal awareness to overcome the identified challenges. In conclusion, although progress has been made, the consolidation of full rights requires legislative, cultural, and educational changes that ensure equity and dignity for all families.pt_BR
dc.subjectFamílias homoafetivaspt_BR
dc.subjectReflexões sociais e culturaispt_BR
dc.titlePor um futuro sem barreiras: Reflexões sobre a adoção homoafetiva no Brasilpt_BR
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